
ProGenifix Review – Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?

Someone recently claimed to have discovered the secret to maximum fat loss, which may be helpful for those who have been rigorous with their diet and exercise routine but have only seen middling changes in weight. Tom Goodman, a regular photojournalist, provided this answer. Although he lacks medical or nutritional training, he created a dietary supplement that directly addresses the issue at hand as a result of his own issues with weight control and his encounter with Dr. Fred Armstrong. You might be curious as to his strategy. It seems that both internal and exterior influences are involved in the circumstance.

Does Progenifix live up to its reputation? How does Progenifix operate? To learn everything there is to know about Progenifix and how it functions right now, read our review.

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?

What is ProGenifix?

ProGenifix is a ground-breaking morning routine that uses potent, scientifically supported ingredients to target the real issues of weight gain and weak metabolic activity. By developing a straightforward morning routine, you may boost your metabolism and get rid of stubborn belly fat and unexplained weight gain.

With the aid of the additional hand-picked ingredients, this incredible blend helps you overcome the primal stress syndrome and supports maintaining your weight under control.

To promote healthy weight loss, each ingredient is sourced from the Amazonian rainforest. It has never been easier to entrust Progenifix with your weight-loss journey because it is completely created with only the highest grade, most natural ingredients.

Each ProGenifix has ingredients that work to address all five of your body’s weight loss triggers, giving you multiple methods to tackle weight loss.

This fantastic weight loss product uses five various strategies to help people lose weight, including hunger suppression, fat burning, and preventing the absorption of carbohydrates.

How Does Progenifix Work?

Progenifix is a weight loss supplement made from natural, scientifically proven ingredients. The mixture also has secondary benefits, such as increasing overall wellness and energy and aiding your immune system.

According to the official website, Progenifix has three main advantages, which include:

  • Promote weight loss
  • Promote health and vitality
  • boost the immune system

There are numerous customer testimonials on the Progenifix website from people who used the product and dropped a lot of weight swiftly. The majority of these people appear to have taken Progenifix solely for its weight loss advantages.

For instance, one client claims she increased energy and lost 36 pounds using Progenifix, while another claims to have lost 42 pounds and is still burning fat using the supplement.

Other advantages of Progenifix, according to the manufacturer, include:

  • Improved energy
  • Clearer thinking
  • Sleep more deeply and peacefully
  • Feel youthful once more
  • Improve the appearance of your skin and face, as well as the disappearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

In other words, Progenifix seeks to help adults with practically every problem they confront, from weight reduction to energy to wrinkles and aging. No matter what form, size, or circumstance you are in right now, you can benefit from the natural ingredients in Progenifix by taking two capsules per day.

Progenifix functions swiftly as well. The maker claims that after taking Progenifix for a week, “most people see a difference,” including weight loss, a flatter stomach, and looser-fitting garments, which point to considerable weight loss outcomes and less bloating.

In fact, according to the maker, Progenifix causes some users to lose weight “faster than they’d intended.” The manufacturer advises cutting back on Progenifix dosage to just one capsule per day if you begin to lose weight too quickly.

You should expect to lose more weight as you continue to use Progenifix in the next days and weeks, in addition to the benefits listed above.

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?

Progenifix Purchase

How Much Weight Can Progenifix Help You Lose?

Many consumers who have dropped a lot of weight after using Progenifix have left reviews on the product’s website.

The formula’s developer, Tom Goodman, claims to have dropped 68 to 74 pounds while taking Progenifix.  Additionally, Tom asserts that he and Progenifix completed one of the greatest weight loss experiments ever. More than 1,000 people took part in the trial. It was the most effective weight loss supplement research in history, with 97% of participants losing an average of 48 pounds in just 90 days and the remaining 3% losing 25 pounds in the same timeframe.

Here are some of the weight loss success stories featured on

One client lost 25 pounds after using Progenifix for “a couple of months” and “didn’t even have to set foot in the gym.” This customer lost a considerable amount of weight after taking Progenifix for only a few weeks.

Another client who took Progenifix lost 44 pounds in 2.5 months; his weight had been stable at around 223 pounds for months, but after taking Progenifix, it decreased all the way to 179 pounds.

One user of Progenifix lost 30 pounds without experiencing any adverse effects, and she was so delighted with the product that she bought three bottles for her husband.

With very little exercise, one reviewer who weighs 150 pounds and is 5 feet 1 inches shed 22 pounds after taking Progenifix for only three weeks, dropping 15% of her body weight in just 21 days (about one pound each day).

One woman used Progenifix to help her feel more attractive and thin. She used the supplement to help her lose four dress sizes and 122 pounds.

Other reviewers claim to have followed moderate diet and exercise routines, but other customers do not appear to have changed any aspect of their lifestyle—they simply started taking Progenifix—and report dropping 36 pounds, 42 pounds, and other spectacular weight loss outcomes.

Customers say they can lose up to 1lb every day by using Progenifix in their lives. Additionally, based on more than 100,000+ customer reviews, reports that the supplement has an average rating of 5 stars out of 5.

Who Is the Creator of Progenifix?

Tom Goodman, a photojournalist of 44 years old, developed Progenifix.

After almost being killed by a boar while on a safari, Tom recognized he needed to lose weight. Tom began looking into all-natural weight-loss remedies after the incident, and his investigation brought him across Progenifix’s active ingredients.

Tom is cautious to point out that he is neither a physician nor a scientist, nor does he have any formal training in medicine or any professional credentials. Instead, he’s just a regular guy who found a treatment for quick weight loss.

With his wife Tammy, his three daughters, and himself, Tom resides in Santa Rosa, California.

Tom had put on weight gradually over the years. He eventually became aware of his extreme obesity. Nothing he did to lose weight, including the keto diet, vegan meals, low-carb, high-carb, and low-fat diets, fasting, and other methods, worked.

Short-term weight loss occurred as a result of several of Tom’s weight loss plans. But he always put that weight back on. Tom eventually put on more and more weight.

Tammy admitted to Tom that she was no longer attracted to him. Their sexual life got worse.

Tom hoped for an answer to his problems with weight reduction. He got a call one day about a photojournalism project in the Amazon rainforest, and that call would forever alter the course of his life.

What are the key components of Progenifix?

Progenifix’s key components include the following:

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?

Royal Sun Agaricus Mushroom
Brown medicinal mushroom known as Royal Sun Agaricus is primarily found in Brazil, China, and Japan. It is said to be best known for having a high concentration of the minerals and polysaccharides needed for healthy immunological function. As a matter of fact, it is believed to be able to reverse the symptoms of diseases including tumors, chronic hepatitis, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and hypercholesterolemia. Because it may aid in increasing dietary fiber and preventing metabolic disorders, the availability of beta glucan is thought to be most beneficial in the context of weight management .

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?

Cordyceps sinensis
Traditional Chinese medicine uses the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant fungus Cordyceps sinensis . Combining these two factors may improve cardiovascular, immune, and cardiac health as well as reduce inflammation and blood sugar levels (among people with type 2 diabetes). Additionally, it is believed that this mushroom can treat hyperlipidemia, or high amounts of fat. There are two potential causes for this.

The first is that polysaccharides found in cordyceps have been associated with decreased levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol. Second, its primary bioactive component, cordycepin, is thought to promote fat metabolism and breakdown in a manner similar to that of the naturally occurring molecule adenosine. To properly understand this, more study is necessary.

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?

Chaga Mushroom
The next fungus variety to be authorized for Progenifix is chaga mushrooms. As with the previous two ingredients, although being farmed in frigid climates, this mushroom is rich in antioxidants. In other words, people can anticipate less inflammation, toxic intruders, low blood sugar, low insulin sensitivity, and low cholesterol. Even though these results are encouraging, more human-level study is necessary to completely understand how stress is controlled and weight-related impacts are produced.

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?

Lion’s Mane Mushroom
In East Asian medicine, the lion’s mane mushroom, which grows on dead hardwood trees, has a long history of use. Why? Its source of antioxidants is generally believed to have positive effects on oxidation and inflammation in the body, especially for those who have autoimmune illnesses, diabetes (by reducing blood sugar), or heart disease (by lowering cholesterol). Stress affects both physical and emotional well-being. Thus, lion’s mane may reduce stress and depression, enhance cognitive function, and support a healthy digestive system.

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?

Turkey Tail Mushroom
Another common mushroom used in traditional Chinese medicine is turkey tail. (TCM). Because it strengthens the immune system and fights infections, this mushroom looks to be well-liked by doctors. Due to its high prebiotic content, which may support a healthy gut microbiota, it is also thought to facilitate digestion. Due to its high nutrient content and low calorie count, this particular mushroom variety may help with weight management by increasing satisfaction.

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?

White Button Mushroom
Agaricus bisporus, sometimes referred to as white button mushroom, is the last key component in Progenifix. This mushroom appears to have been chosen because it reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, two factors that have been closely associated with heart disease. It is not surprising to see beta glucan return because it decreases cholesterol levels by producing a gel-like material when digested. The body is then prevented from absorbing triglycerides and cholesterol as a result of the latter. Improved intestinal health and better blood sugar management are other benefits.

Scientific Support for Progenifix

Progenifix’s creators and Tom Goodman provide evidence for its efficacy from more than 50 research. Although Tom Goodman denies having any formal training in medicine or nutrition, he is sure that his technique can enable anyone to lose weight quickly without dieting or exercise. To understand how Progenifix functions and the science behind it, we’ll go over some of that scientific proof below.

Surprisingly, Tom claims to have tested his recipe in a clinical trial. Tom’s experiment produced considerable weight loss results quickly, despite not being published in a peer-reviewed journal. The Progenifix clinical experiment went as follows:

To friends, relatives, and a few celebrities who had suffered with weight reduction and were over 40, Tom provided a 6-month supply of Progenifix.

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?

Tom also published a Facebook advertisement looking for both men and women interested in attempting the Amazonian weight loss supplement.

All trial participants had to be over 40 years old, have a BMI greater than 35, and have struggled with weight loss for at least a year.

Tom received “overwhelming” requests from those interested in participating in his research trial.

Ultimately, Tom sent 1,036 participants a 6-month supply of Progenifix, making it one of the biggest weight loss clinical trials in the history of the dietary supplement sector.

97% of participants “went on to lose over 48 pounds of fat” after 90 days, resulting in a total weight loss of 48,248 pounds.

The remaining 3% of persons dropped 25 pounds of fat, yet they were still pleased with the outcomes.

In addition, participants reported improved cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, flatter tummies, less back and joint pain, reduced stress and anxiety, improved libido and sex drive, less brain fog, and other health advantages.

Tom doesn’t go into additional detail about the extensive clinical trial, and neither has he published it online or in a peer-reviewed journal. The test group, on the other hand, saw one of the most fruitful weight loss experiments in human history, losing about 0.5 lb of fat each day on average among 1,000+ participants.

There is additional proof Progenifix can aid in weight loss outside of this scientific trial. In a 2018 study published in Molecules, for instance, researchers discovered medicinal and edible mushrooms – including several types in Progenifix – to have anti-obesity properties. Researchers discovered that mushrooms have natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that improve metabolism and aid in fat burning, for example.

Another actual tribe with roots in the Amazon jungle is the Mayoruna tribe. The Mayoruna, also known as the Matsés, dwell in the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon between the Javari and Galvez rivers.

The producer claims to have carried out one of the largest human clinical trials in the history of weight loss supplements to verify the formula’s potent weight loss effects. Overall, Progenifix contains a blend of mushroom extracts connected to weight loss that have been supported by science.

Despite the fact that many customers wish to acquire Progenifix so they may try it for themselves, the makers have only currently made it possible to buy directly from their website. Customers can be sure they are receiving the genuine supplement because no third-party retailers have been granted authority to distribute their products on their behalf.

Progenifix Pricing and Where To Buy It.

Even if a customer just purchases one bottle at a time, they might still receive a sizable discount on the transaction even though the supplement’s initial price per bottle was $297.

Various options are available.

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?
  • One bottle costs $69
  • Three bottles are available at $177.
  • Six bottles are $294.

When ordering just one bottle, the user will be responsible for the cost of shipping. However, the user will receive free shipping for any amount over that.

All orders include a money-back guarantee, but only the three- and six-bottle packages include bonus content.

ProGenifix Bonuses:

The ProGenifix comes with two bonuses that give you a good opportunity to learn everything there is to know about the ProGenifix. The ProGenifix bonuses are listed below.

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?
Progenifix Where To Buy

Bonus #1: Less Stress Is Best
The first bonus is a wonderful book that you can retain if you buy three or six bottles. You could speed up your Progenifix journey by using the advice in this crucial guidebook for managing and reducing stress. The less stress you experience, the better you’ll be able to keep your metabolic brakes activated and promote healthy weight loss.

Bonus #2: Eat Your Way To Calm
When you purchase six bottles, you’ll also get a free book to assist you in developing a new viewpoint to go along with your physically altered physique. Additionally, you’ll discover quick, simple techniques for boosting self-confidence, calming your nerves, lowering anxiety, and permanently maintaining your weight loss.

Dosage Guidelines

The capsules are small and easy to swallow. They have a whole unique flavor. It is more than enough to take just two pills every day in the morning, which are around the size of a multivitamin.

If you take just two capsules once a day to help you lose weight, you can obtain a significant amount of all the nutrients directly involved in burning fat.

The results of this supplement may differ from person to person depending on how they respond to the formula. Because of this, reaching your goals may need varying periods of time.

However, the majority of people start to notice a difference in the size of their bellies, start to appear flattered, start to feel lighter, and their clothes start to feel enormous on them.

Refund Policy

A 60-day money-back guarantee is included with every Progenifix purchase. If you’re unhappy with the supplement for any reason, you can ask for a full refund of your purchase within 60 days, no questions asked.

To start the refund procedure, get in touch with the manufacturer.

ProGenifix Review - Is It The New Viral Fat Killer?

Progenifix Final Verdict:

Progenifix is a nutritional supplement containing mushrooms that can aid with stress management and weight loss. As indicated in the section on the supplement’s underlying motivations, minimizing noise is critical for good weight management. Noise in this sense refers to how stress affects different weight-related variables, including blood sugar and cholesterol levels, heart health, metabolic slowness, and general disruptions to regular biological operations. It was somewhat encouraging that we were able to confirm some of Tom Goodman’s prospective advantages.

Is it reasonable to expect weight loss to resume once stress is removed? More likely in people who strictly follow good food and exercise regimens, with only minor changes in people who are normally inactive. Although mushrooms are clearly beneficial, current research indicates that they cannot be directly related to major weight loss benefits. Additionally, because animals are typically used as test subjects in studies rather than humans, researchers are unable to completely understand the particular mechanisms that need to be studied.

All things considered, as Progenifix’s supplement facts and other important information have not been verified, it is too soon to make any judgments regarding its value. Visit here>>> to contact a member of Tom Goodman’s staff about Progenifix.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Does Progenifix work for all users?

Yes, potentially. Any weight loss objective can be achieved using the formula. It is effective for all adult customers, regardless of their sizes or forms.

How long will it take users to get benefits from Progenifix?

Everyone is unique since we all come from different places. By the end of the first week, most people notice a difference, which makes them feel lighter and gives them a flatter tummy. Comparatively speaking to before, their clothing feels a little looser. However, in order to acquire the desired outcomes, sticking with the regimen for a few months is the ideal method to gain support.

How does the Progenifix medication taste?

Users probably won’t taste anything since everything is compressed inside a capsule. The size of the pill is similar to the multivitamin that the majority of customers take daily.

How much of the supplement must users take each day?

The recommended daily dosage for users is two capsules. Customers are advised to use it first thing in the morning for the greatest benefits.

Does Progenifix include any stimulants to help you lose weight?

No, there are no stimulants used; all of the support is provided by natural components.

Is there a chance the user could lose weight too quickly?

Some folks are unprepared for the amazing outcomes Progenifix will provide. The dosage can be decreased to one capsule per day if the person loses weight more quickly than expected.

Is Progenifix available in shops?

No. Progenifix is not offered by any of the major merchants, including Target and Walmart, even if they may sell other weight-loss pills. To obtain the supplement and any associated benefits, users must go straight through the website.

What does the refund policy involve?

Users who don’t receive the desired results within 60 days can use this promise to claim a complete refund on their purchase. Users only need to contact customer service to obtain it.

You can contact the customer service department by writing to [email protected].

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